Hydrogen Storage
Built On Demand HO2 Storage
The AEIS Project Hydrogen Overview
A significant part of our proposals includes the expansion of Hydrogen Industry. We anticipate multiple caverns that could individually store approximately 1,000 metric tons of clean energy. Large scale storage will allow the rest of the Hydrogen industry to evolve, invent and innovate.
Our dual function storage caverns are already engineered to store both ethane and hydrogen. Stacked storage options include various NGL’s as well as Ammonia & CCS. For consideration, Hydrogen is part of a broader energy creation and storage plan. Access to NGL’s from the nearby Marcellus and Utica region is a project critical asset. Currently over 90% of Hydrogen is classified as Gray or Blue.
Unforeseen advancements could happen through our regional hub. From The AEIS Hub, Hydrogen containers can ship through rail, truck, or barge. Advancements should have the inclusion and promotion of new Hydrogen pipelines.Our projects goals and objectives pursue quantum leaps regarding Hydrogen creation and usage.

About A.E.I.S. M.L.P.
WW&T Energy & Wishgard LLC along with their partners and associates are establishing the American Energy Independent Systems Master Limited Partnership (A.E.I.S. – MLP), or similar entity, for the purpose of developing an Appalachian Gas Storage Hub & Trading Post in southeast Ohio.
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